May Update
RL.Deals 100 key giveaway!
Firstly, our partners over at RL.Deals are currently running a 100 key giveaway!
Follow this link and click the banner to enter the giveaway
Use code RL6MANS to get 0.25 keys added to your balance for free.
RL.Deals is an automated Rocket League trading bot that is live around the clock to give you the most convenient trading experience! Just add your items to the trade window, then select from the vast array of items in their bot's inventory.
Easter Event Winners
Basic Leaderboard:
Premium Leaderboard:- Hit - 164 eggs
- OneTwoFour - 98 eggs
- Retals - 89 eggs
Want more 100 Key giveaways?
All players that earned over 30 eggs for the Easter event will be automatically entered into a 100 key giveaway organised by RL 6 Mans! You can check your username / discord id on this sheet to see if you were entered.
The giveaway will be drawn at 11:59pm on the 1st of May UTC time.
Platform Updates
Changes that affect every region
Winstreak bonus change
Players will no longer be awarded a winstreak bonus if playing in a rank that is not their own.
Losing in a rank that is not your own will still end your winstreak.
ELO scaling change
A bug with incorrect ELO scaling on losses has been fixed.
Hard Reset
After much deliberation we have decided to go ahead with a hard reset this season for all ranks.
Rank A
The minimum game requirement set in this months update has been reduced to 6 games (rather than the original 12), all players who have less than 6 games played this season and next season will be demoted.
Along with this we have decided to allow Rank X to queue in Rank A under a trial period for this month.
Middle East
Rank C
Due to inactivity, Rank C has been removed and will be merged into Rank B.
All previous Rank C players will need to use the !a command in the #player_settings channel to get their Rank B role.
Rank S promotion ELO
The ELO required to promote from Rank A to Rank S has been changed to 1950.